Electronics Engineering
Lab Solutions

Advance Image and Video Processing Lab
The advance Image and Video Processing Lab offers an high end GPU platform for Image and Video Processing and is useful for high end experimentation and research

Embedded Lab for Linux Porting
The Embedded Lab for Linux Porting focuses on the Board Support Package Development which includes configuration & porting of boot loader,kernel, filesystem and device driver development.

Advance 8051 Microcontroller lab
The Advance 8051 Microcontroller lab focuses on the new version of the 8051 microcontroller with multiple on-chip features and the art of writing Embedded C codes.
Kits & Tools
Educational Practice Board for ARM Cortex M3
This 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 board is the best learning resource for mastering the embedded programming skills.
PWM Isolator kit
The PWM Isolator kit is a general-purpose PWM isolator board which can be directly connected to the DSP board to generate fully isolated and amplified PWM signals as needed to fire the IGBT modules.
USB JTAG Emulator
The USB JTAG Emulator is ultra-low-cost USB-interface JTAG hardware reference design and provides JTAG access to Texas Instruments' JTAG based devices. It is compatible with Code Composer Studio™ development environment